
Vivante Monthly Vivante Review, 1st June, 2023. One new listing in May – 9724 (1,485sf) is active at $545,000. One sale in May – 8722 (2,348sf) raised $730,000. This sale price was deeply discounted by $119,000 from its original list price. With so little activity while we start the reconstruction of Vivante, these two “values” clearly show how, in an apathetic market, […]
Vivante Be Wary of Fake Title Scams Unfortunately, there are criminals about trying to steal your vacant lot, and even your home. This article from the legal team at Florida Realtors® is worth reading. FR Article on Fake Title 15 May 2023
Vivante Monthly Vivante Review, 1st May, 2023. All four sales due in April closed on schedule; they were 9043 (1,595sf) which sold for $425,000, 8543 (2,338sf) which sold for $799,000, 9543 (1,698sf) which sold for $475,000 and 9836 (1,485sf) which raised $372,000. There were no new listings in April. There are only two pending listings; 8722 (2,348sf) was listed at $814,900 and […]
Vivante Monthly Vivante Review, 1st April, 2023. There were two sales recorded in March, they were 9929 (1,698sf) which sold for $505,000 and 9527 (2,106sf) which raised $522,500. There was one new listing, 9733 (2,106sf) was listed at $624,000. There are four pending listings; 9043 (1,595sf) was listed at $425,000 and is slated to close on 3rd April, 8543 (2,338sf) was listed […]
Vivante Monthly Vivante Review, 1st March, 2023. There were no sales recorded in February. There were two new listings, 9543 (1,698sf) was listed at $485,000 and 8531 (2,398sf) came on at $879,900. There are three currently pending listings, 9043 (1,595sf) was listed at $425,000 and is slated to close on 3rd April and 8543 (2,338sf) was listed at $799,900 and should close […]
Vivante Monthly Vivante Review, 1st February, 2023. The market remained relatively quiet in January, there were two sales, 8532 (2,338sf) sold for $695,000 and 9723 (2,106sf) sold for $550,000. There were three new listings, 9836 (1,485sf) was listed at $390,000, 9042 (1,803sf) at $575,000 and 9027 (also 1,803sf) is priced at $535,000. Only one listing is currently pending, 8543 (2,338sf) was listed […]
Vivante Monthly Vivante Review, 1st January, 2023. There was one new listing in December, 8545 (2,338sf) was priced at $825,000. There are now eight active listings, one in Boca Lago and seven in Bella Lago. Of those seven, six are harbour units and four of those are in Building 85. No sales closed in December, but there is one pending which is […]
Vivante Monthly Vivante Review, 1st December, 2022. Two sales closed in November; 9448 (1,485sf) closed at $375,000 and 8546 (2,398sf) raised $900,000, a 10+ year high for that floor plan. There is only one pending today, 8532 (2,338sf listed at $699,995) is slated to close on 6th January next year. There were two new listings during the month; 8543 (2,338sf) is priced […]
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Vivante Monthly Vivante Review, 1st November, 2022. There was one delayed closing from September in early October, 8936 (2,398sf) raised $650,000. There are two pendings currently; 9448 (1,495sf listed at $390,000) is due to close on 29th November and 9022 (1,803sf listed at $535,000) is slated to close on 30th November. There was one new listing during the month; 8532 (2,338sf) is […]
Vivante Monthly Vivante Review, 1st October, 2022. I left for England on 14th September for my annual visit home (the first one since 2019) so I haven’t seen the extent of the damages to Vivante personally, but from what I have read and seen online tells me we have a strongly built survivor of a sub division. I have had internet access […]
Vivante Monthly Vivante Review, 1st September, 2022. No sales closed during August but there is life – three listings went pending. They are 8736 (2,398sf listed at $788,000) which is slated to close on 12th September, 8936 (2,398sf listed at $690,000) on 10th October and 9723 (2,106sf listed at $580,000) on 24th October. It will be interesting to see where they all […]
Vivante Monthly Vivante Review, 1st August, 2022. There were no new listings in Vivante during July and there are none currently pending. There were two closings during the month; 9449 (1,698sf) sold for $500,000 or $294psf and 8946 (2,428sf) sold for $799,900 or $329psf. So it remains very quiet in 2022’s Summer months. In such an inactive market, it’s difficult to say […]
Vivante Vivante Monthly Review, 1st July, 2022. There were only two closings in June, 9843 (1,698sf) sold at $482,000 and 9638 (1,485sf) sold for $372,000. There was only one new listing in June and that was 9026 (1,595sf), which is priced at $500,000. Activity has dropped away markedly. I only had a handful of showings on my three listings during the month […]
Vivante Vivante Monthly Review, 1st June, 2022. There were six new listings in May, they are 8936 (2,398sf) listed at $735,000, 9449 (1,698sf) at $500,000, 9621 (1,915sf) at $550,000, 9742 (1,915sf) at $565,000, 8526 (2,398sf) at $825,000 and 9723 (2,106sf) at $625,000. The prices per square foot range of these is $287 to $344 with an average of $304. Closings during May […]